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StudyNewZealand.eu has representative offices in several European countries as well as outside Europe, including South Africa, the USA and even Afghanistan and the number is increasing.

Our representatives from around the world support StudyNewZealand.eu in promoting New Zealand as the new leading destination for study abroad worldwide. Representatives promote the vision, mission, and strategic goals of StudyNewZealand.eu, provide assistance to clients in their regions and develop their local markets. Representatives have a demonstrated record of maintaining impeccable integrity, commitment and professionalism in their business and coaching/advisory endeavours.

The main task for our representative offices is to provide customer service and sound advice on your decision to go and study in New Zealand, or to decide to spend your gap year or your study internship in New Zealand.

Since the beginning of 2011 we have registered several franchised new representative offices. In principle it is only local people, who speak your language, you can address your queries to.
We have representatives in the following countries:
France             StudyGroupFrance EU    
Germany         StudyGroupGermany EU
South America